For the deep vintage design style, this replica Breitling watch attracted a lot of people. Today, I’d like to show you a close look at this delicate fake Breitling Montbrillant watch.

Firstly seeing this brown strap fake Breitling watch, its concise white dial leaves me a deep impression. Although the dial looks so complicated, we still can clearly see the functions of each part, directly showing us a wonderful layout.
For the dial:
Talking a close look at the dial, whether for the second display, the minute display or even the hour display, that all distributed in an orderly fashion, presenting us a remarkable watchmaking technology.
For the side:
Seeing from the side, this replica Breitling watch carries three function buttons, directly showing the convenience of this fake Breitling watch.
For the movement:
Through the back, we can see the dancing of the B01 movement, through delicately designed, with exquisite functionality.

In general, the appearance design of this red second hand fake Breitling Montbrillant highlights the features of Breitling, and at the same time with the distinctive reading effect and powerful movement, this timepiece is a worthy buying watch.